Friday, 14 November 2014

Lesson Plan

The reason for this lession is to get children outside learning. This is a lession based around learning about how polluted water has an affect on wild life, in this case insects ect. Environmental Education is not just about learning about the environment is about seeing what effects we as humans have on the wildlife living in these environments. 

Lesson Planning and Evaluation Form

Date: TBC


Class/Set: Year 5/6

Number:15 children, 3 adults

Lesson subject/topic focus: Environmental Education / Insect environment and water pollution.

Target for student teacher:
What target will I be focussing on within this lesson?
-Making sure all children are taking part in the activity.
-Try different teaching methods to get all involved and learning.

Target achieved within this lesson? ü or x

Learning objective(s) (with reference to relevant curriculum documentation – only 1/2  key objectives per subject being taught):
What do I want the children to know or be able to do by the end of the lesson?
-Classify creatures living in the water and surrounding area.
-Look in to habitats that the creatures we find live in.
-Be able to talk about how the creatures are adapted to their environment.

Success criteria:
How will I know this has been achieved? (you many use child-friendly ‘I can…’ statements here): 
As the teacher I will go round each group and ask questions to each child whilst the activity is happening, if they don’t understand this is a good opportunity to get them understanding whilst they are still doing the activity.

Assessment evidence:
How will I gather evidence of pupil achievement?  (e.g. observation of pupils, peer-assessment against success criteria, self-assessment against success criteria, marking of work).
Short presentations in groups to evidence what they have learnt. A short question: answer section at the end.

Pupils’ prior experience and learning:
In light of the LO(s) and/or success criteria, what do the children in this class already know or what are they able to do?
Children will have no prior knowledge of what we will be learning, unless self-thought outside of class.

Teaching and learning activities:







What teaching strategies and activities will I use?
(highlight/underline your key teaching strategies throughout the lesson e.g. explain, ask key questions, model, demonstrate, recap in a mini-plenary, use play/the learning env as a prompt)
An active learning strategy and experiential learning strategy will be used during the course of the session.

-       Arrive at first pond and explain what will happen during the course of the session and what the learning outcomes for the session are.
-       Use equipment to look for species of incest’s that live in the water and surrounding areas. Use the keys to identify the insects and habitats. Check the pH of the water to see how polluted it is.
-       Go to second pond and repeat process.
-       Look at data collected from both ponds.

-       All 3 groups will come up with 3 mini presentations about the pounds and what they found.

-       Presentations should involve different species the habitats they came from. pH levels of the pounds to determine how polluted the water is.
-       All three groups will present to the rest of the class what they have learnt from the session at the ponds. Presentations should last 5 minutes, with a few minutes for Q&A.
-       The last 10 minutes of the session will just be to reflect on the whole session and for the children to ask any last questions.
What will the children/other adults do at key points in the lesson? How will I ensure that all children are able to access, participate and succeed in all parts of the lesson?
During the first section of the session the other teachers will be divided within the groups to support the learning and help with any questions.

-       This will give the children a goal for the session and understand what will be happening throughout the 3 hour class.

-       Split in to 3 groups of 5 so that 1 teacher can be with each group to help support learning and answer any questions.

-       All three groups will look through the       data they collected and look for               similarities and differences from both       ponds.

-       These presentations will be presented to the rest of the class towards the end of the session.
-       Presentation should be split equally through the groups.
Subject specific vocabulary:
Vocabulary will be kept reasonably basic. The only new terms and words that will be being learnt will be the species of incest’s.

-Basic Species keys
-Basic Habitat keys
-Magnifying glasses
-pH scales for testing water levels
-Pencils and Paper

Lesson adaptation:
Do I need to make any special provision with regard to health & safety? ü or x and detail as necessary
No extra health and safety needs to be taken during this session, each group will have a supervisor with them throughout the session to help with any extra needs the group may have.

Assessment of pupil learning and implications for future planning:
Have I gathered and (where appropriate) attached evidence of pupil attainment/achievement? (This might include photographs, annotated work, teacher/TA post-it notes, group assessment sheets). ü or x
Assessment of this session will be through the short group presentation at the end of the session and the Q&A session after to gather evidence of what they have learnt.

As a result of this, for which children do I need to tailor teaching in the next lesson?  (Consider individuals or groups of children who have exceeded or not met the learning objective/success criteria and list initials/future actions below).
For future sessions the teaching methods need to be tailored slightly differently to accommodate for certain children who did not understand the learning objectives and may need further help achieving them. To do this different teaching strategies may be used such as one-to-one or discussion strategies, which will allow the individuals the time to ask more questions and for us as teachers to change the way in which we teach something to widen our teaching strategies.

Evaluation of trainee learning as a result of teaching this lesson: final placement students may choose to annotate this plan rather than complete the questions in detail below.
In light of what I now know about the pupils’ learning in this lesson:
What was successful in my teaching? Why was it successful?  How do I know?
Had I been teaching this to the year 5 or 6 at the school I worked at I think using a active and experientioal learning strategy was the best way to teach this subject. The school is very much hands on with its teaching so I don't believe many if any would not have liked the way in which this lession was being torght. However, obviously if certain children did not prefure learning in this way I suggested above using discussion strategies or one-to-one. This gives the child a chance to ask questions and get multiple answers that may help them to understand the subject.

I think if they are about to give a 5 minute presentation and answer and Q&A session well they have successfully learnt something. 

What target would I set for myself that I will carry forward to future teaching?  You may need to continue with your target as previously
Targets for myself would be to be more confordent in my teaching. Teach as if I know what I am talking about! (I do but I come across as if I dont) 

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